Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Weight Lost

I have set a goal for myself. I want to lose 20 pounds by July 1st. If anyone has special tips on how to do it fast that would be great. I am going to walk 5 days a week. And I am going to eat better foods and control how much I have for calories.
Please give me advice!


Steph said...

the best tip I can give is stay away from processed foods and pop/fruit drinks. Stick to water and real juice and food that hasn't been through a million prossessing steps and you'll have more energy, which means you'll exercise more. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks ... Since Matt and I have to feed teens and be an example for them, we don't buy SODA (POP) for the house and we only we the 100% weleches juice or juicy juice (which is 100%) They are only aloud 1 glass of juice a day and I TRY to do the same. MY problem is the sweets.

Weavers said...

Tam, Let me know what is working for you, because I too am trying to loose.... marraige really has a way of putting on the pounds!!! its worse than the freshman 15!!

anyway, I am trying... sorta... to loose it too, but I will try harder if it helps to have someone accountable to do it "with" sorta... :)

let me know what you think. Love you and cant wait to see you!!

Anonymous said...

First, read the label.
and watch the calories.
eat smaller meals
eat and talk during meals. ( you end up eating slow and you get full before over eating) your brain needs time to process the fact that you are eating food.

Anonymous said...

HI Tami
Keep Working and eat lots of vegies

What Name do you like best?