Tuesday, March 6, 2007

My Personal Update

Well, Since being in Maine I have been taught so much by God and by messed up kids. I have never been so stressed and at the same time Praise God for it because I know this is where I am meant-to-be at this time in my life. At times I cry because I don't want to do this anymore and I can't do it and I know that in myself that I CAN'T. But I have learned that GOD CAN. I think I had to be here to really realize that God is big enough and I can surrender to that.
You see, I was taught that if I did not do "it", "it" would not get done or not get done right. Guess what! That is not true! I have more than ever learned to give it to God. It think that sometimes it felt that God pushed me to do it, just to show me that it doesn't hurt. I can be so babyish, at times. And after the fact, I feel stupid because it was fine.
I love God. People may say that a lot but I don't just love the stuff he does for me. I love the stuff he does not do for me ( because I have learned that sometimes I have wrong motives and I don't need "it" ) Whatever "it" may be.
I find myself completely marveled at how Wonderful God is. Matt has been longing to get back into a Church and I really, really want to do that too. God should not be kept for yourself in a box; but shared with anyone and everyone. I love our Christan radio station ( positive.fm ) It is so good for me and the kids we take care of. It sometimes helps starts the "God questions". With the job we have we can not start the conversation about God but they can! And then we can talk to them about God. I love loop wholes! Praise God.
I am looking forward to what God has planned for us next year. One thing I know is that we have to leave the States because of our J1 Visa requires us to leave from working here.
Well I have ran out of words and must stop before I ramble on.

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