Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Is Matt ready to have children?

Here are the Votes

Yes, Now 43%, 6 People
No, Not Yet 36%, 5 People
No, Never Will Be 21%, 3 People

Well the polls have finally stopped so "Yes, Now" is the winner! Matt himself has told me that he does want to start try for a baby in 2008. Hopefully Matt will be blessed by getting into a church right away.

Now I would like to get Matt some baby experience.

So ... How did you Vote and Why?


matthew said...

i voted yes because i was just so impressed with you two when i visited that i think you could pretty much do anything :)

Steph said...

i voted yes because you need to have a baby!

Tami said...

Thanks Matthew!

Stephanie - I totally agree! I can't wait until next year!

Weavers said...

My Oppinion is that you should update your blog again!!!

What Name do you like best?