Monday, August 27, 2007

Getting Frustrated

I long to have a baby and it frustrates me. Everyone and there baby pitures! Gosh!~ I can't wait much longer! I think that I am going crazy.


Weavers said...

I know. sometimes i think the "blogging world" is actually code for the "mommy world"! Not that I am not super excited to read others posts who put up wonderful pictures of their darling children, but sometimes it just gets a little overwhelming.

anyway, all that to say, I love you and right now, (selfishly) am glad that you have not joined the masses with their kids writing posts about crawling, spit up, breastfeeding and more. ....but when you do post about that I will read with intense attention!! :)...and expect photo updates routinely!:0)

Love you tam

Tami said...

Thanks Jess. Oh to update you I have heard that a lady only needs 4 months of full time working to get a matenrity. Cool eh?!

Weavers said...

That's good news!! means you can get matternity soon when you come back from the sates!!! :0)

Steph said...

You only need 60 hours. So if you work 40 hrs a week, thats like 15 weeks, so a little less than four months, just so you know....

Tami said...


What Name do you like best?